Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Baby Teagan!!

This is our newest addition to our family! Baby Teagan! She is a sweet heart. My sister Hillary gave my sister Kindy, the new mommy, a gift certificate to this amazing photographer, whom is a friend of Hillary's. Her name is Rebekah Westover. Check out her website: rebekahwestover.com

Here are some pics:


Heather Capener said...

she is such a cutie!!! what a doll and really great pics!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you have a blog as well. I was starting to feel like an outsider of the family. We have been so grateful for the time you have spent here in Utah, mainly...well with my little family. We have certainly kept you busy in between your time spent chasing after new endeavors. We love you sooo much and as far as we are concerned you can stay forever!

Scott & Tami said...

Sweet blog Heidi...now I can keep tabs on you girlie!!! I miss you!!

Star Gazer said...

Wow, what a sweet little baby! :) Great pictures.

Mindy said...

welcome to blogging! So, what is Teagans' full name? We've never heard down here in the south.

Toby and Tammy said...

How fun! She's beautiful and I'm glad you finally updated! :)

Kam Belly Soup said...

oh my gosh those pics are so rad. im so jealous i dont have anything like that for chloe or delilah

Ashley Canady said...

Hey Heidi! Glad to see you have a blog. You just need to update it occasionally:)